RS-CIT Introduction

Rajasthan State Certificate of Information Technology, RS-CIT is an Information Technology (IT) literacy course started by RKCL in the year 2009.It is a Government recognized program for all government jobs in Rajasthan.  It has made more than 5 lac learners IT literate till date. It is the most popular IT Literacy course in Rajasthan.

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate course in Information Technology) has been recognized by Dept. of Information Technology and Communication (DoIT&C), Govt. of Rajasthan to propagate IT Literacy among the people of Rajasthan.
In order to bridge the Digital Divide, RKCL has launched an IT friendly course for the people of Rajasthan. RS-CIT is a high quality and low cost IT literacy program which offers a novel curriculum, excellent study material and learning management system in both local Hindi language and English. A state-of-the-art delivery mechanism leads to State University governed Examination and Certification.

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